The Foundation sanne of our school was laid by Her Excellency Mrs. Maya Devi on Friday, the 7th January of 2005. Diamond Public Sr. Sec. School was started with the sole aim in mind to ensure that children recognize the strengths of their own ethos… and build up their life and character on those
Education at Diamond Public Sr. Sec. School relies almost exclusively on activity based Learning and continuous & comprehensive evaluation. We are bothered about the declining awareness among the children about their own cultural backgrounds. We aim at the acquisition of aesthetic and cultural sensitivity of each child on the cumpes, which is successfully done by the excellent, thorough sensitization and training of all teachers. Thus, here at Diamond Public Sr. See. School, both Summative and Formative aspects of the child’s personality are enhanced and groomod.
The school is affiliated with CBSE, Delhi and follows the 10+2 scheme. The curriculum has been designed keeping in view the age group of children in each class and their heterogenous mental level. It attempts to promote the development of understanding of basics, sharpening of thinking abilities, experimenting and exploring this activity based curriculum is planned to
help each child to enjoy his schooling and meet his individual potential. The traditional emphasis laid on cramming, memorization and stuffing of children with knowledge has been totally dispensed with
Diamond Public Sr. Sec. School is a composite, Co-educational School, which is affiliated to the Central Board of Secondary Education, Delhi upgraded upto Class XII with Science & Commerce streams. It operates under the direction and control of the Educational Society (Regd.) through the Managing Committee of Diamond Public Sr. Sec. School, Teela Shahboz Pur, Loni, Ghaziabad. Besides achieving a high academic standard, we seek to create an open & Creative community where all students are valued and all are supported and challenged to be the best they can posibly be. Our community is based on honesty, integrity and responsibility born out of mutual respect